sábado, 2 de abril de 2022


Nautilus Network?



According to the Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space, elaborated by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), there are 4,921 satellites orbiting at present. Always understanding the imperative need to establish a global communication between Humanity for its different needs, it does not seem strange from my point of view that the budget of the United Nations and other international organizations is not dedicated to the presence of technological beacons in the oceans.

The sea and global warming, with its most tremendous and striking aspect such as melting ice, tsunamis, as occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 with a devastating death toll, or the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011, caused by a tsunami that hit the coast of Japan, and that one of its consequences was the release of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean in large quantities. Events that make us reflect on the need for a greater presence of technological devices for research, prevention and warning of events that have occurred in the oceans or that could occur.

For this reason, he considered that it would be very important to establish a network of autonomous beacons that could be moved by the sea currents and that, equipped with high technology, could move at any sea level, as well as being able to move autonomously if necessary. Capable of detecting any seismic movement, displacement of water mass, having scientific instruments to evaluate sea temperature, weather conditions in the area, as well as articulated with robotic arm could collect samples or organisms from the sea, being able to analyze whether the water is contaminated or not. It should also have rescue equipment that could guarantee its buoyancy in the event of an accident, as well as a frequency transmitter like the black boxes of airplanes in case it is necessary to locate it.

On the other hand, it should have enough technology to be able to connect by satellite with the instruction center, as well as with the rest of the beacons, and if it could also be submerged, it would be better. It should also have underwater detection and localization equipment, as well as assistance to ships or other types of vessels in need of helpThis would contribute greatly to the monitoring of the state of the sea in general, which is so important due to its pollution indexes and the important problem of global warming and how it affects the marine biosphere so directly.

This beacon could also collaborate with marine species monitoring projects, or provide information to ships in the area on the states and sea conditions at that time, in addition to being able to help in case of shipwreck with complementary devices for first aid, shelter, etc. i.e. convertible to an auxiliary platform where they can at any given time take refuge and organize themselves. It is always psychologically very important that the crews know that they have a possibility of assistance in the middle of the ocean sea.

Finally, it is worth remembering that in these times where unmanned autonomous vehicles are reaching such a high scientific and technological level and with such a wide range of possible performances. This universal project would be a very interesting challenge for those companies and institutions that are currently facing such important challenges of scientific and technological development.


Dn. Salvador Lechuga Lombos
Pres. of Aprocean

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