lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

This is Nessie, and she is one of the most beautiful and elegant looking single-celled organisms.

Nessie’s scientific name is Litonotus, but I call them Nessie because they look like Plesiosaurs! Nessie swims by beating tiny hair-like structures on its cell, and pushes itself in the water in such a smooth, and esthetically pleasing way! I genuinely LOVE watching them swim.
Nessie lives in freshwater and marine habitats, and feeds on smaller organisms. Their is a tiny mouth at the base of that long neck, and that mouth can expand to swallow the organisms Nessie catches.
I am so tired today, couldn’t rest very well last night. I wanted to do some microscopy but got so sleepy after eating, and ended up writing my post in my bed. 😫
Thank you so much for reading! Please click the link on my profile to pre-order my book. Pre-sales are so important for the authors, and I would really appreciate your support to your favorite James. 😂 Assuming I am your favorite James!
James Weiss

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